Deloitte Poaches Someone From PwC and Issues a Press Release, Part V
Not in Australia this time around. In today edition of “Big 4-on-Big 4 Poaching From Around the World,” we head across the Atlantic where the Queen’s Deloitte has nabbed a longtime PwCer and turned her into a partner:
Deloitte in the UK has hired Kanika Mehta as their latest Partner to join their Transaction Services team, after spending 15 years at PwC. She will be joining the team to specialise in providing financial diligence services to private equity and corporate clients.
It’s never really official until something like this gets posted on LinkedIn, which Mehta did recently:
Mehta has now worked at three of the Final Four Horsemen of the Accounting Apocalypse. She cut her teeth in accounting at KPMG, where she worked from June 2001 to August 2006, according to her LinkedIn profile. She joined PwC in October 2006 and ended her time there as a director in transaction services before joining the partnership at Deloitte.
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